Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Sontarans Return in Doctor Who Series 6

A photo of the filming at Lafarge Cement Aberthaw has revealed that there will be an appearance from the Sontaran race in Matt Smith’s second series, which is due to begin in April. It is believed that the filming was for Matthew Graham’s two-part story ‘The Rebel Flesh’ and ‘Gangers’, which are positioned as the fifth and sixth episodes of the series.

It is currently unknown whether the Sontarans are the main enemies of the story, or if there is just a cameo appearance from this single Sontaran Warrior. However, the Sontarans do fit in with what we already know about the plot for this episode, as there have been mentions of clones.


connor said...

I thoght steven moffat said there wasent going to be any classic monsters returning this year.

connor said...

I thoght steven moffat said there wasent going to be any classic monsters returning this year.

connor said...

I thoght steven moffat said there wasent going to be any classic monsters returning this year.