Monday 5 April 2010

A Matter of Time: Partners in Crime


Two years ago today, the Doctor and his new companion Donna began their adventure to prevent the people of Earth from dissolving into creatures of fat. This story starred David Tennant as the tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, as well as Billie Piper in a brief cameo as former companion Rose Tyler, who would return later in the series.

It also features the return of Jacqueline King as Sylvia Noble, and Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott. Cribbins was recalled to replace the character of Geoffrey Noble, after the original actor Howard Attfield died. He had filmed several scenes for this episode, but died before his scenes for the remainder of the series were completed. The producers decided to drop his character out of respect, and dedicated him in the closing credits for the episode.

The Adipose were inspired by a stuffed toy that Russell T Davies owned. The name comes from the scientific name for body fat, adipose tissue. Davies’ brief describer a cute child-friendly creature, shaped like a block of lard. Further consultation with post-production team The Mill resulted in the addition of ears and a singular fang for each Adipose. Stephen Regelous, who won an Academy Award for his software ‘Massive’, flew to London to supervise the creation of the crowd special effects.

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