Tuesday 6 April 2010

A Matter of Time: Fury from the Deep


Forty-two years ago today, the Doctor and his companions Jamie and Victoria were fighting for their lives off the eastern coast of England, when the Doctor discovered a major gas pipe which had a heartbeat coming from within. This story starred Patrick Troughton as the second Doctor, Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon, and Deborah Watling as Victoria Waterfield.

Working titles for this story included ‘The Colony of Devils’. Episode One marks the first appearance of the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, which would remain a key part of the show for the rest of its run. The initial design of the screwdriver is a simple penlight. None of the six episodes of this story are known to exist in full. The master videotapes for the story were the final Doctor Who episodes to be junked.

This adventure is the last story to feature the nineteenth century companion Victoria. She finds the battle with the weed creature totally draining, and is determined to leave the TARDIS crew. The Doctor and Jamie stay another day to check that she is sure, and then depart in the TARDIS, leaving Victoria watching them from the beach.

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