Friday 9 April 2010

A Matter of Time: The Unquiet Dead


Five years ago today, the ninth Doctor and his companion Rose travelled to the past for the first time in the revived series, when the TARDIS landed in nineteenth century Cardiff. Together they discover that something is making the dead come back to life, and team up with the famous Victorian writer Charles Dickens, to investigate the mysterious happenings at the local undertaker’s. This story starred Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.

Working titles for this story included ‘The Crippingwell Horror’ and ‘The Angels of Crippingwell’. Mark Gatiss stated in the Radio Times that the original script was more bleak and frightening, but that he was advised by Davies to make it “more of a romp.” Although the story is set in 19th century Cardiff, the production was actually filmed in Swansea and Monmouth, as there were not enough Victorian-looking buildings in Cardiff.

Eve Myles, who plays Gwyneth, subsequently stars in the Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood as Gwen Cooper. In ‘Journey's End’, the Doctor notices the similarities between Gwyneth and Gwen. There are several jokes in the script during conversations with Charles Dickens, including him saying “What the Shakespeare?”, which is a twist on the common phrase, “What the Dickens?”

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