Friday 13 August 2010

The Blink Review: Valentine’s Day or No Such Thing as Second Chances?

The seventh story of the online Doctor Who series, ‘Valentine’s Day or No Such Thing as Second Chances?’, brings the relationship of the Doctor and Florence to a heartbreaking end, as Florence agrees to give up the life of the Doctor in return for the resurrection of her husband John…

This series finale is quite unlike anything that has appeared in the series before, presenting the reader with very challenging and brave concepts, in particular the themes of betrayal and genocide. However, the script is presented in such a detailed and precise manner that the viewer can understand every character’s motivations, without the confusing storylines which are often found in the television series.

Florence’s betrayal of the Doctor is a very emotional scene, as she allows a mysterious figure to take his life in return for her husband John, who had tragically died at the end of ‘Remembrances’. It is only later on that we discover that the figure is Enigma, an all-powerful enemy who had appeared at the start of the series. Enigma’s deal with Florence allows her to start up a new life with her husband John, where they have a child together and live in a world of peace.

This perfect world does not last long though, when their planet is invaded and her child is horrifically killed. The emotion is once again handled very well in these invasion scenes, describing the pain that Florence is enduring, as her paradise world crumbles around her, and the terrible decision that she made to sacrifice the Doctor comes back to haunt her.

The detailed description of the ominous land where the Doctor is trapped manages to create a really bleak and depressing world, so that the viewer can strongly empathise with the Doctor as he desperately tries to escape. The scene where he constantly throws himself against the wall, cutting himself as he tries to break free, is one of the most powerful images throughout the entire series, as we see a darker and more aggressive side of the Doctor.

When he finally does manage to escape from the black void, he is immediately confronted by Florence. Instead of shouting at her and wanting revenge, he simply continues as if nothing has happened, ignoring all the hurt that she has caused. It is moments like these that make this series special, where we can connect with the characters and have real respect for them. At the end of the day it is Florence who makes the biggest sacrifice, where she manages to stop Enigma, but condemns herself to a world where she cannot interact with the Doctor as a result.

The closing few lines of the episode really sum up the entire series of adventures that the reader has enjoyed with the Doctor and Florence, because no matter what troubles they faced in their relationship, they would find a way to move on. We can leave this story with a sense of greatness, because we know that the Doctor his best friend will always be walking, hand in hand, into the sunset for the last time…

Rating: 5/5 stars

The stories are available to read at

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