Monday 19 April 2010

A Matter of Time: Planet of the Ood


Two years ago today, the Doctor and his new companion Donna travelled to the future in the year 4126, where they investigated the mysterious happenings at ‘Ood Operations’, who were hiding a terrible secret about the Ood. This story starred David Tennant as the tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble.

The Ood have appeared in many recent episodes of Doctor Who, including David Tennant’s final adventure, ‘The End of Time’. Ood Sigma makes his debut appearance in ‘Planet of the Ood’, where he predicts the Doctor’s death. Ood Sigma would also be the last person to speak to the tenth Doctor before his regeneration.

The Ood-Sphere is in the same solar system as the Sense-Sphere, the location for the 1964 story ‘The Sensorites’. This could explain why the Sensorites and the Ood are both visually and mentally similar. This episode received mainly positive reviews, with an Audience Appreciation Index of 87, meaning ‘Excellent’.

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