Friday 16 April 2010

A Matter of Time: Aliens of London


Five years ago today, the ninth Doctor and his companion Rose returned to the twenty-first century, where they discovered that she had been reported missing for a whole year. Meanwhile, an alien spaceship flies over London, destroying Big Ben and crashing into the River Thames, triggering a worldwide state of alert. This story starred Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.

The Doctor tells Rose that he is 900 years old, despite the seventh Doctor saying that he is 953 years old in ‘Time and the Rani’. Doctor Toshiko Sato, the government pathologist, returns in the spin-off series ‘Torchwood’. The events of this episode are briefly mentioned in the ‘Torchwood’ episode ‘Exit Wounds’, where it is explained that Toshiko covered for Owen as he had a hangover.

The production team had originally intended that the murdered Prime Minister was Tony Blair, the current ruler of the time. However, when the actor hired to play the dead body showed no resemblance to Tony Blair, they decided to avoid showing the body clearly. It would be confirmed in ‘Rise of the Cybermen’ that Tony Blair was still elected in Doctor Who continuity.

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