Saturday 24 April 2010

Doctor Who Script Series 4b

Although the tenth Doctor’s adventures may be over on screen, a brand new journey is about to begin online, where his Doctor must face the worst evils from across the galaxy.

The stories are set after the events of ‘The Waters of Mars’, a time when the Doctor is travelling with a new companion, Florence, from the New Human Empire.

Together the Doctor and Florence must fight the battles of a thousand worlds, and learn to cope with the terrible truths that the universe holds. This series is comprised of six fabulously written scripts by Daniel Harma, Robert Theggers, Damian Laharistar, and Rosalene Bertor.

The first story of the series, ‘Palimpsest’, features the Doctor meeting Florence in the new human empire. Together they have to work against the clock, to stop the League of Shadows’ plot. The pieces are in position, for the greatest series of Doctor Who.

1. Palimpsest
2. Mortal Eclipsed
3. Where the Freakish Creatures Play
4. Shrapnel Wounds
5. Remembrances
6. Valentine’s Day

‘Palimpsest’ is available to read from lunchtime. For the trip of a lifetime, visit Doctor Who Script Series 4b

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